Solo International Journey Continued: Thermalbad Spa & Rhine Falls

The parking in Zurich is strict and complicated. That being said, I was up at 6:30 am to be sure to move my rental vehicle from the blue zone in front of my host’s apt before it was ticketed or towed. I spent most of the night before plotting where I needed to be that day, including finding a parking garage where I could safely leave my car while I roamed the city. I had a spa reservation for 10 am that day, which gave me plenty of time to wander that morning. That day I was ready.

This is the part that I enjoy about traveling the most. Being able to leisurely explore and embrace the culture around me. There were many places within the city that seemed just like any other city, but Zurich also had many things that made it a unique. I captured photos of the Grossmünster Cathedral, Mühlsteg Footbridge (or LoveLock Bridge), Kirche Fraumünster, and many other quaint landmarks along the Limmat River.

Thermalbad and Spa

I then made my way to Thermalbad and Spa for the Morning Glory spa package I had reserved.

This bath house was once the Hürlimann Brewery, so naturally I had to visit on this beer-centric adventure. After checking in at the front desk, I stepped into a world of serenity. The sounds of flowing water and soft music floated through the halls. I wish I could have taken pictures of the interior bath area. It was like being transported back to another time and place with the arched stone walls and low lighting.

There was a process to the Irish-Roman Spa Ritual that was included with my spa package. It consisted of 10 different stages of heating, cooling, peeling, exfoliating, and relaxing. I followed what I saw other patrons doing since all the signage was in German, but I believe I went through all the stages adequately. My peeling massage was the most interesting part of the entire experience. Like any other massage, you strip down so that there is no clothing to cause any irritating friction, so this was no different. The part that was different was when I was rinsed down with a water hose and then vigorously massaged and scrubbed with a zesty body scrub over my entire body. It was like being given a sponge bath only more intense and to the sounds of tranquil music. After that, I had a 20-minute full-body wrap where I proceeded to cover my entire body with cleansing clay and sit in a steam room with it caked onto my body. Before leaving I treated myself to a Hürlimann beer in the spa lounge just for the sheer irony of it. This was probably the nicest and most serene place I had ever consumed a beer. Feeling refreshed, it was time to travel on.

Rhine Falls

The primary reason I rented a car for this particular trip was so that I could drive and make stops along the way from Zurich from Munich. The stop for that day was Europe’s largest plain waterfall, Rhine Falls. About a 40-minute drive north of Zurich, this landmark was definitely a sight to behold. It did not quite compare to Niagra Falls, but you could explore Schloss Laufen, a castle that overlooks the falls, and there were walking trails and boat rides to enjoy.

I wandered about taking pictures and went on the boat ride that took you out to a large rock right in the middle of the falls. I even made friends with an Australian family that I went on a walking trail with. When the sun began to look low in the sky, I bought a souvenir and snack from the tourist building and set out for Munich.

It was dark by the time I reached host’s house and he was there to greet me and help me with my bags. Fortunately, here, I did not have to worry about parking. I got settled in and we discussed the next day’s itinerary and routes over a glass of red wine. He was able to give me step by step instructions on how to reach the center of town and even broke some of my Euros into change so I would have no problems taking the bus. The next day, I would be attending Oktoberfest, and this beer lover couldn’t be more excited and ready.


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