The Zombie Frappuccino

Now it’s time for a coffee-related post!

While I have an undying love for unicorns and anything associated with them, I managed to miss out on the craze that was the Unicorn Frappuccino from Starbucks. I was heartbroken. By the time I made the effort to go to my local Starbucks to order it, they were all out of the ingredients. It’s time had come and gone too soon.

Then, there was the Zombie Frappuccino…and I would not miss out again.

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I am an avid watcher of The Walking Dead, so much so that I will make sure I am home in time to watch it when it airs Sunday evenings (even though I also have it set to record) and will also watch The Talking Dead to obtain further insight into the show and enjoy the banter of characters and fans alike.

My love for zombies extends into other shows, like Zombieland, iZombie, and Shaun of the Dead, which is not entirely uncommon, but I’ve also purchased a set of Zombie-based books from an author at an art show to envelope myself further.

It is for these reasons, along with my love for coffee and Starbucks, that I had to purchase the Zombie Frappuccino…and this is my official review.


It looked absolutely gruesome, with its pale green coloration blending into the red syrup used to mimic blood. The kicker was definitely the whipped cream dyed a faint pink and layered in a way to look like brains. I loved the aesthetic and thought it perfectly captured a zombie vibe.

As for the taste, it was an odd combination of a super sugary sweet (like cotton candy) and then a hint of…green apple? Really? This surprised me as green apple is not a typical flavor used in the making of cream-based beverages, and I looked up the ingredients used to confirm what I tasting.

According to, my suspicions were confirmed when the 5 main ingredients listed were: Ice, Milk, Crème Frappuccino Syrup, Zombie Mocha Drizzle (which consisted of mocha sauce and pink powder), and Green Caramel Apple Powder.

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While it was not an extremely desirable flavor, the beverage itself was not entirely unappetizing. Anyone with a sweet tooth that really enjoys caramel apple would actually quite enjoy this novelty drink. I, on the other hand, prefer my beverages a bit more on the bitter side with only a hint of sweetness to make them more delectable.

I most likely will not buy the Zombie Frappuccino again, but it was worth going a little out of my way to try. This zombie captured some cool photos and has had her fix of the whipped cream brains. Until the next crazy concoction debuts, I will go back to enjoying my usual brew.

But seriously, I would really like a chance to try the Unicorn Frappuccino if it makes it back to stores.

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